Axis Connect empowers individual dance artists, while building a community and connecting the industry as a whole. The majority of our dancers apply for scholarships in order to attend, and thanks to private donations we've been able to support the attendance of most of our dancers in past years.

Your contribution can make a significant difference in the life and career of a world-class dancer.

We appreciate your support!


Please help us keep Axis Connect alive. We thank you for believing in the power of dance!

Thank you for your support!

In just four years, Axis Connect has created a community of over 250 mutually supportive dance artists.

Many of our dancers have been hired on professional jobs as direct result of attenting the program, working with Barton Movement, Sonya Tayeh, Hamilton on Broadway, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, Damiani Dance, The Mowgli's, Sarah Elgart, Vincent Paterson, Peter Chu, Hashtag, You're It, and on various ad campaigns, music videos and more. Several of our dancers are now represented by some of the most influential agents in the industry in both NYC and Los Angeles. 

Please consider making a tax deductible donation to our Axis Connect scholarship fund and help these dancers achieve their full potential as professional, successful, creative artists.

You can sponsor a dancer by making a tax-deductible contribution to our scholarship fund! Please contact us or contribute by clicking the link above.